I now live in Alaska. It snowed a couple times this week, also known as September . Two weeks ago, after a challenging and confusing summer, after a wonderful goodbye party thrown by my mom and sister, I boarded my first flight to my destination: sweet, small little Galena, Alaska. After five flights, four time zones, fainting twice on one flight, one hotel room, a buffalo burger with a friend, jet lag, and a 16 passenger plane, I made it. I was picked up by my dear friends Amanda and Jake, and they showed me around my new home while filling me in on what life has been like in Galena. Flying somewhere over Canada. Flying into Anchorage, AK Little 16 passenger plane you cannot stand upright in. Somewhere between Fairbanks and Galena It is small village of about 500 residents, on the Yukon river, and is surrounded by marshland - hence, the only flying in and out the village. I was amazed at the fact that the season of fall was in full force while at ho...
thoughts on christianity, marriage, celiac disease, ulcerative colitis, rural alaska, baby loss, factor v leiden, full-time ministry, and more.